Solicitors in Three Meadows

Recent Unwanted Solicitations in Rockledge

The following advisory is provided by our Rockledge Police Department regarding recent solicitation in the Rockledge area.  This information was provided in an earlier article, but just in case you missed that one, the advice provided below can be helpful when dealing with unwanted solicitation.

Hello Neighbors,

 We have had a few inquires about solicitors in Rockledge…

Anyone soliciting in the City of Rockledge has to have a solicitors / peddlers license through Brevard County and the City of Rockledge. If you experience an unwanted solicitor, you can call the Rockledge Police Department and we can check for these licenses. We will complete a Field Intelligence Card on them, make sure they are who they say they are and make them leave the area if they do not have the appropriate licenses. As you know, often times solicitors may use door to door sales as a tactic to see if a resident is home or not. If the resident is not at home, they may attempt entry into the residence or await a resident to leave. Of course, not every solicitor is doing this, but please use your best judgment and be aware. Please report any suspicious activity, person or vehicles to the Rockledge Police Department right away. Please give the dispatcher the best possible description of the person and their clothing, as well as any vehicle information and direction of travel. Never approach a suspect. Observe and Report.

Thank you for all you do and have a great day.

Officer Ilene Manzo
Community Relations Coordinator
1776 Jack Oates Blvd.
Rockledge, Florida 32955
(321) 690-3213 ext. 3197

July 2013 Meeting Minutes

The following article is provided from our HOA management to provide an update regarding the July home owners meeting.  Three Meadows Phase 3 residents may be interested in learning more about the latest items which affect not only our quality of life, but also the fees we pay annually.

This article is unedited, so please feel free to contact ERA regarding any questions or recommendations.

July 11, 2013 Three Meadows Phase III HOA Meeting Minutes


C/O Showcase Property Management


Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 6:30 P.M.

Cocoa Public Library

1. Call to Order & Board Quorum Established

Brenda called the meeting to order at 6:32 P.M. Ian Cook, President, Carol Pangle, and Vice President were present establishing a quorum. Two homeowners were in attendance along with Brenda Grochowski of Showcase Property Management and a sign in sheet is attached to these minutes.

2. Proof of Meeting Notice – Brenda stated the meeting notice was posted per the Florida Statute requirements on July 8th.

3. Review & Approval of April 11, 2013 Meeting Minutes – Carol moved to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Ian seconded the motion. MSC

4. Financial Review

a. April, May and June 2013 Financial Reports – Carol moved to approve the April, May and June Financial Reports and Ian seconded the motion. MSC

b. Delinquency Update – Brenda reported the three accounts have been moved to Jay Steven Levine. There are four accounts currently past due and the board requested they be sent to the attorney.

c. Other None

5. Old Business

a. Other Brenda addressed the violations with commercial vehicle parking, stating that she would research the possibility of towing in the community.

6. New Business

a. Other Carol mentioned that everyone should be aware and lock their doors. There have been a few vehicle break-ins and even window’s broken out of cars. Lisa Kestel gave a short presentation on Trap-Neuter-Return of feral cats.

7. Community Reports – There were no reports.

8. Open Discussion & Next Meeting Date –The next meeting will be the Budget Meeting held on October 9, 2013 at 6:30PM. The location will be determined at a later date and provided in due time prior to the scheduled meeting.

With no further business to attend to the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Brenda Grochowski, LCAM


HOA Meeting July 11 2013


C/O Showcase Property Management


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the bylaws of the Association and Florida’s Condominium Act, that the Association will hold a Board of Directors Meeting at the following date, time and place:

DATE:           THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2013

 TIME:            6:30 P.M. Library closes at 8 PM and request all vacate by 7:45 PM

 PLACE:              CENTRAL BREVARD LIBRARY, 308 Forrest Ave. Cocoa, FL


AGENDA:     The order of Business for the Meeting shall be as follows:

1.      Call to Order & Board Quorum Established

2.      Proof of Meeting Notice

3.      Review & Approve April 11, 2013 Meeting Minutes

4.       Financial Review

  • April, May & June 2013 Financial Reports
  • Delinquency Update
  • Other

5.      Old Business

a. None

6.      New Business

a. Other

7.      Community Reports

8.      Open Discussion – Next Meeting Date

9.      Adjournment

 This notice shall be posted upon the Property at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting.


Dated this 8th Day of July, 2013

Florida HOA Guidelines

Rules & Regulations Governing Home Owner Associations In Florida

Many homeowners living in a deed restricted neighborhood often find themselves at a loss to understand the rules and regulations which their HOA says are part of their covenants.  Within the articles and links found in this page, you can read through some of the official guidelines and laws governing not only the homeowner responsibilities, but the duties and obligations of those board or committee members as well.

Read the current HOA covenants and restrictions

The restrictions and guidelines which all property owners have to sign when purchasing a property in Florida are the primary governing document.  The Three Meadows Phase III restrictions can be downloaded by selecting this link: Three Meadows Phase III Restrictions.  You can download the appropriate software to view or print this document directly from Adobe at: Adobe Reader Download.

Those Florida residents who live in other deed restricted neighborhoods should have been provided with a copy in their closing documents unless they elected to not pay the nominal charge often applied to closing costs for this service.  If you did not get a copy, you are still entitled to receive the deed restrictions and covenants.  They are one of the documents which all HOA boards are required to maintain and provide to members (homeowners in the association) upon request.  Contact your HOA President or Secretary to get your copy of all deed restrictions and covenants both original and any changes which may have occurred.

The deed restrictions for communities in Florida are legal documents and can be difficult to understand by the average member.  That said, this document is less confusing than the Florida Statutes document included below.  Some slow and deliberate reading will usually explain your responsibility and any restrictions you are obligated to follow.  What the deed restrictions document does not clearly identify is what rights you have as a homeowner.

Understand the responsibilities of your HOA association board members

The difficult part for many individuals living in a managed or restricted community is understanding what the board and committee members are responsible for and what rules or regulations govern their actions.  When you follow procedures and request a change to the appearance of your home, what is the process and what can you do if they deny your request?  There are highly detailed processes in place and governed by Florida statutes.

The current Florida statutes governing HOA associations members, boards and committee members can be viewed, downloaded or printed here: Florida 2012 HOA Statutes.  This document is a very complex legal outline of all responsibilities governing the actions of members and association officials with respect to Florida HOA activities.  While comprehending the details can be daunting, scanning through the topics of particular relevance can often provide some helpful tips.

Note that the homeowner association is not entitled to operate in a vacuum without legal obligations.  Failure to comply with Florida statutes opens the board members to lawsuits from association members and can invalidate previous actions taken.  There is remedy available for homeowners who are affected by the actions of board officials.  Read the current statute regarding dispute resolution at this link: Florida statute for dispute resolution.

The first thing which a member who feels their rights to fair process needs to do is to attempt to remedy by filing a protest or complaint with the board.  Be sure to keep copies of all correspondence for future reference.  When protesting the actions of a particular committee (such as architectural review committee), review not only the recorded deed restrictions, but also the Florida statutes which govern their activities.  Understanding their charter and responsibilities will help you gain a better understanding of what they are supposed to do and what their overall guidelines are.

Whenever dealing with a particular problem encountered, be sure to copy the elected board officials as well.  Keeping the association President, Vice-President and Secretary informed of any dispute can sometimes avoid the need for legal actions.  When official legal action is required, showing a good faith effort can often affect the outcome in your favor as well.

When unable to negotiate a dispute with your HOA

If all reasonable efforts to work with your home owner association officials, realize that you do still have options available.  The first thing to remember is that you must have a clear idea of what covenant or Florida statute the board official(s) have not followed.  You also need to be able to identify how this affects you or your property, and what you want done about it.  If financial remedy is expected, determine an accurate and justifiable basis for your request.

In Florida, the statutes require that mediation be attempted before filing for court intervention.  Within the Florida statutes, you will find an example of the mediation request process and required information.  The statute indicates that the member does not necessarily require an attorney, but that legal representation can often be advantageous.  The cost of mediation is usually shared by the member and the association.

If mediation is unable to resolve your dispute, there are still legal actions which a homeowner can pursue.  Court activities can be costly, and often involve a request by the responder (association officials in this case) for reimbursement of expenses in the event that the court does not rule in your favor.  Legal representation can be a good option to consider if you find yourself at this point.

Some additional sites to consider researching if you find yourself involved in a dispute with your Florida homeowner association include the following:



  1. All information provided in this article is to be considered personal observation and not to be considered legal advice.
  2. The author has no legal certification to practice law in the state of Florida and recommends that qualified legal advice is sought before taking actions to resolve disputes.




ERA Property Management

ERA Property Management & Current HOA Assessment Update

Three Meadows Phase III residents should have received their 2013 HOA assessment bills which are due January 1, 2013. One item which probably stands out to many long-term residents is the increase from $140 of previous years to the current $175.  The current board members met informally 12/22 to provide a short notice together for your review to address this concern.

Please take a moment to review the information provided in this article to learn more about some of the challenges facing your elected board members.  You can download the article to print on your home computer from the Holiday News article, or read it here by using the scroll buttons next to the article below:

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