Greetings Net,
Thanks to you, the Neighborhood Watch Integrated E-mail Network is moving into its sixth year of volunteer support. I want to thank all on the net for their spirit of volunteerism. The net now includes the points of contact for more than 53 Rockledge neighborhoods, a hand full of Viera neighborhood contacts, representatives of local law enforcement agencies and a myriad of others wanting to be in the loop. Having successfully maintained the integrity of this communications tool for the benefit of all involved over the past years, it is time to briefly revisit what this network was founded on and some of the guidelines pertaining to what and how information is passed along.
The Neighborhood Watch Integrated E-mail Network is a volunteer initiative that stands alone, operating independently of any agency, including law enforcement. In the beginning two Rockledge residents from different communities got together and started e-mailing information to one another about their neighborhood watch efforts and the criminal activity, suspected or actual, in their vicinity. Over the years the net expanded to include other willing community points of contact. Local law enforcement saw that the net could serve as a means to reach out to residents, complimenting, not supplementing, other media resources already in place, such as newspapers and broadcast agencies. The advantage of the net is that the information passed is sent directly to linked residents and the information sits, waiting to be viewed on individual computer monitors, smart phones, etc … . Each resident then has control of passing the information along to others as well. There is no promise or guarantee by any agency, law enforcement or otherwise, that the net will be provided information, but there is an awareness that the net is available to assist as a volunteer resource for neighborhood watch related topics, including law enforcement responses to criminal activity. As important, the net also serves to link residents within their own neighborhood, often operating independent of the integrated e-mail network that Kevin and I administer. It pretty much mimics the “phone tree” practice in many ways, each serving their own purpose.
The information provided via the net is taken at face value, that is, what is provided is passed, although it may be stripped of some information that could be considered privileged or personal (to some degree), such as a specific house address or an individual’s birth date. When the information is sent out via the net, there will be an identifier provided on the subject line, including three letters and eight numbers to identify the source of the information and date of release:
– POL: The information is provided by a law enforcement resource in which the net has been asked to disseminate the information. This can typically be the same information being released by a law enforcement Public Information Officer (PIO) to local news media.
– COM: The information was provided by a net community point of contact or individual on the net acting as a good Samaritan, passing information along to share with others. The credibility of this information is not verified so care is taken as what is distributed.. Typically, it is provided as an observed situation or scenario with little detail. An example is, a community point of contact putting out that – – – a large white van is making its rounds, dropping off solicitors that try to sell security systems. When asked for a permit to solicit in Rockledge, they quickly left the neighborhood. Police were called (non-emergency) to check the individuals out, but the van left before the patrol arrived.
– NET: The originator or drafter of the information is the network administrator (Kevin or me), such as me sending this e-mail to the net.
– ASH: This is me sending out info to those in my own community. Seldom would this be seen on a net release, but I could share it if I felt it was value added.
The eight numbers represent the year, month and day the e-mail is sent via the net, such as 20120319, meaning 2012 MAR 19.
My best to each of you and my thanks for your spirit of volunteerism that make the net possible.
Please be vigilant, be involved and be safe,
Network Administrator