Deed Restrictions For All Three Meadows Neighborhoods
Three Meadows subdivision in Rockledge Florida consists of three distinct home owners associations. Each HOA and its related lots have different restrictions and by-laws for their association operation. This has often caused confusion, so this page has been provided to help our neighbors understand their own restrictions and obligations.
The Brevard County website has undergone a number of changes in the past few years, and records are sometimes hard to locate. You can search for “Three Meadows” on this page: Brevard Record Name Search and select from the different communities in Three Meadows. Phase I/II, Phase III, and Phase IV all have different corporations, and different documents.
Some of the documents are of course not related to your subdivision. There are various financial and other documents which are not related to deed restrictions or community affairs. You will need to browse and read to find those specifically involving your section.
Hopefully, this helps those homeowners who never received a copy from their real estate representative.
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