Charitable Donations

Last updated Jun 25, 2022 | Published on Dec 2, 2012 | Communitiy Updates

Recommendations To Consider Before Donating

Not only during the holiday seasons, but anytime you are asked to donate to a charitable organization, there are some things you should consider before donating.  It is always great if you are able to help support these organizations, but be sure the money you give is going to the cause you would like to support.

Read the recommendations provided by our Rockledge Police department to avoid being scammed when asked to donate.  These are some great tips and recommendations. 

 Charitable Organizations

1) If you are unsure if a charitable organization is legitimate, ask the following questions:

  • What are the charity’s name, headquarters address, phone number and website address?
  • How long has it been in operation?
  • What is the money used for?
  • What percentage of the donation goes to the actual service and how much goes to fundraising?
  • What is the first and last name of the person you are speaking with?

If the solicitor cannot or will not answer these basic questions about the charity or uses pressure tactics to obtain a donation,  DO NOT GIVE!  It is not rude to simply say that you are not interested and hang up.

2) Florida Law gives you the right to request and receive a copy of a charity’s financial report before donating.  Ask for it.

3) If you decide to give…never give cash. Contribute by check and make it out directly to the charitable organization.

4) Just because a “charity” sounds official…it may not be. Sometimes scammers will use a name that “sounds” legitimate to put the donor at ease.

5) Never give out personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or social security numbers.

6) To verify a Charitable Organization or for further information about a charity, you can call the Florida Division of Consumer Services 1-800-435-7352 or visit their website at

7) National “Do Not Call” Registry

  • Most telemarketers cannot call your telephone number if it is in the “National Do Not Call Registry”.
  • You can now register your home and mobile numbers for FREE, and your registration will be effective for 5 years. To register call 1-888-382-1222 or visit their website at
  • Will registering stop all calls? No, placing your number of the national registry will stop most, but not all telemarketing calls. You may still receive calls from political organizations, charities, telephone surveyors or companies with which you have an existing business relationship.

Current HOA Board & Contributing Members

Board Members:

  • President: Robert Nicholls
  • Vice President: Vinny DiFranzo
  • Treasurer: Mike Pryor
  • Secretary: Gwennie Elliot
  • Other Director: Ed Cleveland

ARC Committee:

  • Yehuda Jabali (Lead)
  • Anthony Carta
  • William Stephenson

Property Mangement:

Diane Whittington, LCAM
Showcase Property Management
101 S Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL 32952