Recent Unwanted Solicitations in Rockledge
The following advisory is provided by our Rockledge Police Department regarding recent solicitation in the Rockledge area. This information was provided in an earlier article, but just in case you missed that one, the advice provided below can be helpful when dealing with unwanted solicitation.
Hello Neighbors,
We have had a few inquires about solicitors in Rockledge…
Anyone soliciting in the City of Rockledge has to have a solicitors / peddlers license through Brevard County and the City of Rockledge. If you experience an unwanted solicitor, you can call the Rockledge Police Department and we can check for these licenses. We will complete a Field Intelligence Card on them, make sure they are who they say they are and make them leave the area if they do not have the appropriate licenses. As you know, often times solicitors may use door to door sales as a tactic to see if a resident is home or not. If the resident is not at home, they may attempt entry into the residence or await a resident to leave. Of course, not every solicitor is doing this, but please use your best judgment and be aware. Please report any suspicious activity, person or vehicles to the Rockledge Police Department right away. Please give the dispatcher the best possible description of the person and their clothing, as well as any vehicle information and direction of travel. Never approach a suspect. Observe and Report.
Thank you for all you do and have a great day.
Officer Ilene Manzo
Community Relations Coordinator
1776 Jack Oates Blvd.
Rockledge, Florida 32955
(321) 690-3213 ext. 3197